It is the use of Electric currents of very low intensity to stimulate muscles and nerves following Paralysis. It is also used for Pain relief
It is a kind of treatment used for the rehabilitation of injured muscles and joints following injury or illness. It uses a specific pattern of exercises prescribed for the individual as per his / her condition.
It is a form of Osteopathy. The technique involves gently applying pressure along the head and spine to release pressure. It's based on the idea that manipulating the bones and tissues of your skull can help improve a variety of health issues like Migraine, cerebral palsy, and asthma.
Visceral Osteopathy involves the attempt to apply manual therapy techniques to the body's inner organs, and therefore treat a much wider range of conditions like IBS, Gastric irritations, etc.
Sigma ultralign is a computer assisted adjusting device that is designed specifically to assess and gently treat joints and tissues.
Functional fitness training is strength training that readies your body for daily activities, like bending, twisting, lifting, pushing, pulling
Bodyweight exercises (also called bodyweight workouts) are strength training exercises that use an individual's own weight to provide resistance against gravity
Pilates is a system of repetitive exercises performed on a yoga mat or other equipment to promote strength, stability, and flexibility.
Dynamic Neuromuscular Stability (DNS) is a manual and rehabilitative approach to optimize the movement system based upon the scientific principles of developmental kinesiology (DK)
It is an innovative, gentle non-surgical procedure to remove the accumulation of fat deposits in specific regions of the body. It is one of the safest methods for removing localized fat in, and around the waist, inner thigh, and abdomen, under the upper arms, knees, and ankles.
It is a High Intensity Electromagnetic Treatment device which helps women and men build muscle and burn fat simultaneously at 6 body parts: abdomen, buttocks, thighs, calves, biceps, and triceps.
Lipo Laser is a non-surgical cold laser procedure that uses low level, laser-based light to reduce the stubborn, subcutaneous fat on targeted areas of your body. Lipo Laser treatment reduces inches in targeted areas of the body including the Abdomen, Thighs, Arms, Underarms, Chin, Waist, and Back.
Pressotherapy lymphatic drainage machine is the most popular multi-function weight-loss device, combined with functions of air-pressure lymphatic drainage, lymphatic drainage operations, and low-frequency to tighten skin, to achieve systematic and comprehensive effects of fat losing and volume reducing
Colonic irrigation involves inserting the nozzle of a device into the rectum to send water into the colon. A person can control the pressure and temperature of the water, and the entire procedure usually takes around 45 minutes.
Post Surgical Physiotherapy in Fractures, After Total Hip, Knee and Shoulder Replacement, Arthritis, Postural Malalignment, Spondylitis, Spondylolisthesis, Sprains and Strains
Paralysis, Nerve Injuries, Disc Prolapse, Parkinson’s, Muscular Dystrophies, Movement Disorders, Brain and Spinal cord injuries
Cerebral Palsy, CTEV / Club Foot, Delayed Milestones,
Pre & Post Pregnancy, Incontinenc e, Uterine Prolapse,
Post traumatic Injury management, Ligament and muscle injury, On field and Off field Physiotherapy,
Medical Fitness in condition Elderly Population, Body weight Training and Functional Training
Obesity management with Fat burning and Body Scupting modalities